


Movement 3 Logo


In her Movement 3, Binda moved deeper into an exploration of the visual elements and design system of the movements



I’d ended Movement 3 with an incredible sense of productivity. I’d written six songs and had ideas for multiple others. I felt sure that Movement 4 would be a continuation of my momentum.

Not so much.

As soon as Movement 4 started, I discovered that I was… tired. I wanted to want to write songs, but I didn’t actually want to write them. All I wanted to do was lie down.

The days were passing. Our cross was approaching.

I thought… What if I just, actually, laid myself down?


I taped some paper onto the floor, laid myself down on it, traced myself, and filled the space around.

“To everything there is a season,” I wrote. “A season to write 7 songs and a season to nap.”

The one I did first.

m4 - jenny - first whole body tracing

The one I did the next day, thinking I could do it “better,” having done it once. Unsurprisingly, that turned out not to be the case. So often, the energy of that first impulse creates a product so much more alive, even if  less polished. The angles of the paper that I taped together, the angles of the words and letters… plus it took A LOT MORE WORDS to fill the second one.

m4 - jenny - whole body tracing 2